About the FID Pharmazie
Since 2015, the University Library Braunschweig and the Institute for Information Systems at TU Braunschweig have been jointly operating the Fachinformationsdienst Pharmazie (Specialised Information Service Pharmacy).
The German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) has been funding the project since 01.01.2015 (within the Specialised Information Services funding programme). Currently, the project is in its fourth funding phase. The DFG established a new funding programme for Specialised Information Services to strengthen and improve the information infrastructure for academic research.
Project aims:
The Fachinformationsdienst Pharmazie (FID Pharmazie) provides comprehensive access to subject-specific information resources and supports university-based pharmaceutical scientists with customised and specific services.
- Improvement of literature supply
- Optimisation of literature search and full-text access
- Development of innovative search tools
- Advancement of information infrastructure
Since October 2016, the freely accessible drug-centred search platform PubPharm (www.pubpharm.de) is available online as the central service of the FID Pharmazie. Together with the Institute for Information Systems, the University Library is developing tailored and specific services as unique PubPharm characteristics, which are targeted towards fulfilling the requirements and research interests of the academic research community. If a developed prototype proves to be useful for the community, it will be integrated into PubPharm. Feedback by researchers assures that informatics research and development by FID Pharmazie do not miss requirements. Therefore, the needs for each pharmaceutical field are being determined through exchanges with focus groups. Further details about the project can be found here.
Work areas of the Fachinformationsdienst Pharmazie
- Governance: FID licenses
- Research & Development: Development and enhancement of the PubPharm search platform as well as research and prototyping of innovative services (e.g., Drug Overviews and Narrative Service), pharmacy-specific repository pharmRxiv
- Content Management: Data management and integration, digitisation and open access services, digital preservation, research data management (NFDI4Chem)
- Dissemination & Outreach: Collaboration with the pharmaceutical research community, consulting, public relations and marketing
The FID Pharmazie is a participant in the NFDI4Chem consortium, and thus involved in the development of a National Research Data Infrastructure for chemistry and pharmacy communities. For example, the FID is developing an Electronic Lab Notebook in close cooperation with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology for university-based research in pharmacy. In the NFDI4Chem task area “Community Involvement and Training”, roadshows and webinars are offered, and subject-specific training material is developed.
Further information about the work areas can be found here.
Publications of the FID Pharmazie are listed here.
Information material
You can find information material about the FID Pharmazie, and the drug-centred search platform PubPharm here.
Project staff and contact details
Project Management:
- Prof. Dr. Wolf-Tilo Balke, Institute for Information Systems at TU Braunschweig
- Robert Strötgen, Deputy Library Director, Braunschweig University Library
- Katrin Stump M.A., Library Director, Braunschweig University Library (until April 30, 2022)
University Library Braunschweig:
- Pharmacist Stefan Wulle, project coordination
- Pharmacist Dr. Christina Draheim, subject matter expert and public relations
- Jannis Ohms, information technology and infrastructure
- Konrad Lauenroth, information technology and infrastructure
- Vinzenz Fiebach, information technology and infrastructure
- Dr. Denitsa Eckweiler, data engineering (until August 31, 2023)
- Kristof Keßler, information technology and infrastructure (until October 31, 2020)
- Dr. Anke Krüger, subject matter expert and public relations (until May 31, 2018)
Institute for Information Systems at TU Braunschweig:
- Denis Nagel
- Muhammad Usman
- Hermann Kroll
- Janus Wawrzinek (until August 31, 2021)
NFDI4Chem consortium:
- Pharmacist Stefan Wulle
- Benjamin Golub, subject matter expert (electronic lab notebook) and public relations (until December 31, 2023)
- Devang Patel, electronic lab notebook Chemotion (until December 31, 2023)
- E-Mail: pubpharm[at]tu-braunschweig.de
- Phone: +49 531 391 5046, or +49 531 391 5003
Previous projects:
- Sondersammelgebiet Pharmazie (in German)
- Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Pharmazie – ViFaPharm (in German)