Responsible and sustainable research data management (RDM) is getting more and more important in all sciences. The NFDI4Chem (national research data infrastructure for chemistry) supports scientists in chemistry and related sciences with the new challenges. Therefore, the NFDI4Chem promotes FAIR RDM in chemistry. This includes the development of tools, standards, information materials and workflows.

One example of their work is the NFDI4Chem Knowledge Base, where important concepts, terms and standards are explained with a focus on the relevance in chemistry (and related disciplines). Another example is the development of an electronic lab notebook (ELN) Chemotion ELN. It is specifically developed to meet the needs of the community.

For the NFDI4Chem the information exchange with the community is essential, therefore a lot of presentations, workshops, regular meetings and other events are organised.

Learn more about the objectives of the NFDI4Chem, as well as the different task areas.

FID Pharmazie as participant in NFDI4Chem

As participant in NFDI4Chem, the FID Pharmazie has two main tasks. One is to spread the developments of the NFDI4Chem into the community and promote FAIR RDM. The other is to bring the needs of the pharmaceutical community into NFDI4Chem. Community feedback is important to ensure that any future developments are in the best interest of scientists.

In Task Area 2 - Smartlab - the FID Pharmazie is responsible for the development of specific functions needed by the pharmaceutical community, e.g., better ways to document bioassays.

In Task Area 5 - Community and Training -  the FID Pharmazie is actively involved in FAIR RDM workshops.

Do you have questions about research data management, are you looking for an electronic lab notebook that fits to your needs, or need help with data management plans? Contact us at any time. Both FID Pharmacy and NFDI4Chem provide support from the community for the community.